Ishikawa's Frog
Ishikawa’s frog, or Odorrana ishikawae, is a purplish-brown and green frog endemic to Okinawa island in Japan. Their spotted pattern helps them blend in with moss to hide from predators. There are several other species of frog in their genus, Odorrana, that can be found on other islands in the Ryukyu Islands. Ishikawa’s frog is found in near rocks or underground near mountainous forests, streams and rivers. They have a mating call that sounds like one short note. They lay 1,000 eggs.
The main reason Ishikawa’s frog is endangered is habitat loss. Okinawa’s forests are being cut down and rivers are becoming polluted, endangering this frog. Frogs and other amphibians especially have trouble adapting to environmental changes. There are currently some regulations and protections put in place for the protection of Okinawa’s habitat and the Ishikawa’s frog, but they are still threatened. Because of this habitat loss, their numbers are decreasing. They are ranked as endangered.

Images courtesy of True Wildlife
Creating more regulations protecting Okinawa’s wildlife and natural habitat will not only help the Ishikawa’s frog but also other animals as well. Helping keep ecosystems working as normal is also beneficial to all life on earth, as we are seeing firsthand the effects that loss of biodiversity and climate change can have on the earth and it’s species.
The main thing you can do is raise awareness for this beautiful frog and advocate for regulations on protecting the habitat that the Ishikawa’s frog and many other animals and plants call home.

Works Cited
Ishikawa's Frog. (n.d.). Retrieved October 24, 2020, from the National Museum of Natural History, https://eol.org/pages/1019758/articles
Ishikawa's Frog. (n.d.). Retrieved October 24, 2020, from https://bikernetmetricnews.blogspot.com/2011/12/ishikawas-frog.html
Ishikawa's Frog. (2011, September 2). Retrieved October 24, 2020, from https://true-wildlife.blogspot.com/2011/09/ishikawas-frog.html
Images courtesy of True Wildlife